Get Started!
Browse our catalog online: Click “All Classes” from the left menu bar. Peruse by content area, or search by keywords in the class name or description. Full class descriptions can be found by clicking the class name.
Sign in: If you are new to our site, you must create a new student profile. Creating a profile provides you with your own personal, password-protected account. Having an account will allow you to register online and track your class registrations. Click “Sign In” from the left menu bar and follow the prompts. We highly recommend using your email address as your login. Once you create your student profile (and on subsequent visits after you sign in), you will see menu options that allow you to edit your profile, check your current registrations, and view your transactions.
Register Online: Browse through the catalog. When you find a class you are interested in, click the “Add to Cart” button and continue shopping. When you are finished, from the shopping cart, click “Check Out.” Read and agree to the class refund policy and click “Check Out” again. Complete your registration on our secure site with your credit card. You can print your transaction receipt and class confirmation for your records. In addition, you will receive a class confirmation and transaction receipt via email. It is that easy!!
How do I print a receipt? To print a receipt for any classes, just sign in and select “My Transactions” from the left menu bar. In the upper left corner is an export link. Select the format you would like and print. If you need an official transcript, please contact the Communiversity Front Desk at 662.243.1803.
How do I update my profile? You may edit or update your student profile at any time. After signing in, access the link entitled “My Profile” to change any of the information. Click “Edit” at the bottom of the page. You may then edit any of the profile fields. When you are finished, scroll to the bottom of the page and click “Submit”.
What are your policies for payment of fees? When you self-register, payment is by credit card only. We accept MasterCard or VISA. We do accept payment by cash, however this requires you to come to The Communiversity, 7003 South Frontage Road, Columbus, MS 39701, Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
How do I know if there is space available? If a class is already filled, a waiting list button appears and you have the option of placing yourself on the waiting list. If a seat becomes available, we will contact you.